Combo (P6)

Combination of both Chinese Enrichment (CL) and Compo, Compre & Oral (CCO)

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled Chinese
Created by Star River Language School
Last updated Fri, 28-Jul-2023
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Course overview

Chinese Language Exercises: Improve the understanding and application of Chinese words and phrases through listening, speaking, reading, and writing. We focus on developing students’ skills in comprehending and using vocabulary and sentences effectively.

Comprehension: Enhance skills in analyzing passages and answering questions. We emphasize reading comprehension, cultivating students’ ability to analyze passages and develop techniques for answering questions.

Studying and Applying Quotations, Poems, Idioms, Proverbs, and Phrases: We place importance on the study and application of quotations, poems, idioms, proverbs, and phrases. Students will learn how to use these linguistic forms and expand their vocabulary. Through studying these forms of expression, students will enhance their Chinese language skills and develop an appreciation and understanding of Chinese culture.

Key features of our course include:

  • Diverse learning methods: We employ a variety of learning methods, including listening exercises, oral conversations, reading materials, and writing exercises, to help students enhance their overall Chinese language proficiency.
  • Focus on developing thinking skills: We emphasize the development of students’ analytical, reasoning, and creative thinking abilities. Through reading comprehension and writing exercises, we stimulate students’ thinking potential.
  • Practical teaching: We emphasize the application of learned knowledge to real-life and social contexts, enabling students to use the Chinese language effectively.
  • Rich composition content: Through various composition exercises, we help students master the skills of writing opening paragraphs, conclusions, and enhance their writing abilities.
  • Emphasis on comprehension: We focus on developing students’ comprehension skills, enabling them to find answers and identify key points in questions. We also provide training in critical thinking.
  • Oral expression: Through voice training and practical activities, we cultivate students’ oral communication skills. Students will learn to use the appropriate tone, speech rate, and expression to accurately describe information and express personal opinions.
  • Learn to write the opening paragraph and conclusion for compositions
  • Learn to describe the movements, conversations, and thoughts of a person
  • Learn to provide detailed descriptions of a story
  • Learn to incorporate Chinese idioms, proverbs, and phrases
  • Learn to identify the main points in comprehension passages
  • Learn how to find the answer to a question
  • Learn how to identify the key points in a question
  • Learn to answer critical thinking questions
  • Learn to use the appropriate tone when reading passages
  • Learn to determine speech rate, reread, distinguish homophones, and pronounce light tone characters
  • Learn to describe the content of a video
  • Learn to express personal views and thoughts
  • Learn to grasp the main points of a conversation with an invigilator
  • 多元化的学习方式:我们通过听力练习、口语对话、阅读材料和写作练习等多元化的学习方式,帮助学生全面提高中文语言能力。
  • 注重思维能力培养:我们注重培养学生的分析、推理和创造能力,通过阅读理解和写作练习等活动,激发学生的思维潜力。
  • 实用性教学:我们注重将所学知识与实际生活和社会情境相结合,帮助学生更好地应用中文语言。
  • 学习如何撰写作文的开头和结尾
  • 学习如何描述人物的动作、对话和思想
  • 学习如何详细描述一个故事
  • 学习如何运用成语、谚语和短语
  • 学习如何抓住阅读理解的重点
  • 学习如何找到问题的答案
  • 学习如何找到问题的关键点
  • 学习如何回答批判性思考的问题
  • 学习如何正确运用语调阅读课文
  • 学习如何控制语速、重新阅读,区分多音字和轻声字
  • 学习如何描述视频的内容
  • 学习如何表达个人观点和思想
  • 学习如何抓住与监考官对话的重点
  • 丰富的作文内容:我们通过多种主题的作文练习,帮助学生掌握作文的开头、结尾写作技巧,丰富他们的写作能力。
  • 重视阅读理解:我们注重培养学生对阅读材料的理解能力,让他们学会找到问题的答案和关键点,并提供批判性思考的训练。
  • 口语表达:我们通过语音训练和实践活动,培养学生的口语表达能力。学生将学会运用正确的语调、语速和表达方式,准确描述信息和表达个人观点。


语文练习: 通过听、说、读、写的练习,强化学生对字词句的理解与运用。我们注重培养学生的听力、口语、阅读和写作技能,帮助他们更好地理解和应用中文。

阅读理解: 通过学习阅读材料,我们注重培养学生对篇章的阅读能力,并提升他们分析问题和回答问题的技巧。通过阅读理解训练,学生将更加熟练地理解和应用所学知识。

成语、谚语、惯用语等的学习与运用: 我们的课程将重点关注学生对成语、谚语、惯用语等的学习与应用。通过学习这些语言表达形式,学生将丰富自己的词汇量,并学会在适当的场合运用它们。通过学习这些语言表达形式,学生将提升自己的语文能力,并培养对中文文化的兴趣和理解。

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Star River Language School

0 Reviews | 4 Students | 14 Courses
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